Consulting services:

We can ADVISE at the very beginning – we will advise with concept of the project, planning, technical evaluation of the project, time schedules, cost management, value engineering, risk identification and complete project preparation. Superior preparation and planning is the key to success of every project.




The proper locality selection:

We will help you to decide WHERE – we are able to assess chosen locality with regard to valid zoning regulations, possible built-up ratio, local technical preparation of the zone and economical suitability of the zone. We can also find and suggest locality and concrete land plot within the Czech Republic.




Concept and design:

Together we will DRAFT – we will consult with you all your requirements and expectations of your project. Based on this we will finalize the concept including all technical parameters and we will prepare detailed design documents needed for all phases of the project. We will coordinate all specialist and architectonical professions for projects in commercial, reality and industrial sector no matter their size. We will use our professional expert knowledge and we will ensure you, that the project is innovative and fully functional.


Permits and engineering:

We will ensure all is PERMITTED in accordance with valid legal regulations and construction will receive building permit in shortest possible time.





We will solve FINANCIAL RESOURCES – in case you will need additional financing – we will help you to communicate with bank institutions, alternatively we can assure financing ourselves.


Economical calculation:

We will calculate exactly HOW MUCH does it cost – we will prepare detailed budget of costs needed for whole process of the construction and we will prepare economical payback calculation of the project. Alternatively, we will participate in the process of the general supplier tender and through the value engineering and correct tender process management we will decrease your construction costs to minimum.


Project management:

We will TAKE your WHOLE PROJECT under our CONTROL – we can lead you through the whole process and we will manage it so you have your whole project firmly in your hands and can avoid all possible complications. We went through a lot of big and difficult projects and we will use our management, project and engineering experience fully in your favor.


Construction management:

We will consistently SUPERVISE the whole project realization – on the regular basis we will control on site construction progress in accordance with design project, construction time plan, costs and valid building permit – technical and construction investor supervision. We offer you fully open and well-arranged approach in which we will always stand at your side!


Sustainable development and certification:

We will ensure you that you are ECO – we care a lot about the environmental influence of your project. We will find the best way how to construct harmless to environment. We will focus i.e. on proper water management and we will alternatively coordinate your project with BREEAM, LEED of WELL certification.


OSH and health safety:

We stand on SAFETY – from our experience we know, that fulfilling the Occupational safety and health policy is the one of the most important aspect of the project and we will ensure this will be also your project case.



Final permit / handover:

We will lead your project to the very END – our work ends not before the final permit obtaining, which entitles you to use the object fully in compliance with your requests.


Change in the project and fit-out modifications:

Not even CHANGES have to be a problem – in case your technological requests are different to technical parameters of current project or you need to modify existing object so it corresponds with your changing needs – even this we can evaluate, financially calculate, permit and complete for you.


We can also be general supplier:

In case you are looking for someone who will carry whole process and deliver TURNKEY CONSTRUCTION – we will be the general supplier for you and we will take care of everything from A to Z






We are construction management and consulting company. We are active on the construction market from year 1999 and our job always was, is and will be both challenge and hobby. We know all phases of the developer projects in detail and we are used to cooperate with companies, but also with technologies and materials which we fully believe and stand for. We are familiar with sector of industrial, warehousing and office construction, complex industrial zones and also residential construction. We are used to cooperate with local clients as well as large international companies.


We are not large corporate company and every project, despite its size and specialization, is the same important for us. From the beginning we approach every project with the goal to develop modern, up-todate technologically suitable environment, which is fully in accordance with client’s requests and at the same time does not unnecessarily financially burden the client. Loyalty and mutual confidence are the main building block of a good cooperation. Tight relationship with the client is strong advantage in highly competitive environment.


We can also be the general supplier and we will create the solution directly for you. While combining the developer with general supplier role at the same time we have the full process under the control and we can ensure realization of the whole project in requested quality, within the preset costs and within the set timing – we will save you worries, time and money. “FROM THE FIRST IDEA TO THE START OF OPERATION “


Our biggest motivation for us is to secure your project will be outstanding. Our goal is that your property is in compliance with actual technological trends, fulfills high standard, is environmentally friendly and sustainable and the same your utilities consumption is on the lowest possible level.




Achieving the right PH for your project is a simple combination of uniqueness, efficiency, know-how, sustainability, innovation and a client-oriented approach that we always take on your side!




After finalizing his studies on VUT construction faculty in Brno with technology of construction management specialization, he has joined Metrostav a.s. in 1999 as a construction manager assistant and afterwards construction preparation team member. Then followed by Eurostavkonsult s r. o. where he was responsible for management and control of core European optical net construction and coordination and management of the municipal city hall residence for Prague 13. In 2003 he has joined Dutch development company CTP Invest as a project manager for industrial properties construction, where he has over the time worked way up to the position of general manager for construction and management of CT projects for Moravian and east Bohemian projects. After leaving CTP in 2015 he has worked for CPI group as a director for renovation and revitalization of the Zbrojovka Brno project. From 2017 he became a freelancer and he is addressing himself to complex as well as specialized services in industrial, office and residential sphere, project coordination construction, construction management and technical supervision as well as negotiation and optimization of the project and construction processes for both smaller and big investors. Pepa is making good use of his more than 20 years’ experience in construction and development and he is offering though his professional services to all investors in this field.


Some of the important projects of his career:

Compete construction management of complex industrial zones – Modřice, Černovickéterasy, Šlapanice, Pohořelice – in total 350 000 m2 of rentable areas for Czech and international clients (Kompan, DHL, Honeywell, IMI, Moduslink, BENQ, ABB…)

Technical supervision – office complex Vlněna Brno

Coordination and projects management of fit-out changes for clients SAP, Oracle, Deloite, VerticalBlock and others.



After she has finished her studies of company finance and business on VUT Brno university, Hana has left to Sydney Australia, where she has continued studies of Retail management and business on Aspect ISBT college Sydney. After completion of her studies and work experience in USA she has returned to Czech Republic and has joined Dutch development company CTP Invest operating on European markets of industrial and office properties development. She has been gathering her experience for 13 years and worked up to the position of Head of procurement department CEE and she has become a member of company board – in this position she has act for past few years. She was responsible for managing of all construction and operational costs of the company as well as for economical calculations and controlling of all projects and acquisitions. She was also participating in company expansion into the markets of the countries within the CEE and as a company board member she was participating in key decisions in company management and its future development. She was responsible for construction costs of approximately 800 000 m2 on new construction of industrial and office development within CEE yearly representing costs of approximately 320 MEUR yearly. She is well orientated in actual trends of construction market and during her operation on this market she has created very strong relationship with many specialists, professionals and prestigious construction and development companies operating in this field. She has a longtime management skills and she is able to lead all her tasks till the very end.

                                             „WITH ME, YOU WILL NOT LOOSE A PENNY! “

Some of the important projects of her career:

Complete cost and savings management while construction of aprox. 40 komplex industrial zones within whole czech republic for Czech and international clients.

Creation of operational tools, processes and IT systems important for correct functionality of complex procurement and economical calculations.

Management of the company entry into the new European markets in Poland, Hungary, Romania and Serbia.



„From A to Z“

Contact Us

PH MADE, s.r.o.

Projektový management

Development staveb

IČO: 09436324

DIČ: CZ09436324

Address: Lomená 36d, Brno, 61700                                             

mailing address  

Gočárova třída 504/54,
kancelář 119
500 02 Hradec Králové – Pražské Předměstí

Ing. Josef Lhotský
Email: lhotsky@phmade.cz
+420 606 653 517
Ing. Hana Lhotská
Email: lhotska@phmade.cz
+420 724 264 991